Islamismo, su papel en la política internacional : conferencia magistral

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  • 990006176840302716
  • 1.52
  • Debates about Islam’s place in international relations have often centred on whether it is normatively consistent with the Westphalian order. Islamism, a culturally specific form of ‘fundamentalism’, has usually been regarded as particularly aberrant, even threatening. Some regard its transnational dimensions as challenging the institution of the state others argue that more important is its undermining of regime, or broadly internal political, stability. Al-Qa’ida with its explicit and radical call for the restoration of the caliphate appears to confirm the former view more ‘mainstream’ groups such as Hizbullah or Hamas seem to speak to the latter concern. Yet, recent revolutionary events in the Middle East, playing out in countries such as Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Bahrain, have brought both assumptions into question: national versions of Islam seem more salient than pan-Islamic solidarity and Islamist movements have been less manifestly oppositional than secular, ideologically amorphous groups. Some even profess to see the triumph of a post-Islamism that is at once more revolutionary and more liberal. There is a pressing need for a new stock-tacking that asks how a religiously charged set of political ideas – Islamism – affects international and regional order. To avoid a definitional determinism that would simply equate Islamism with radicalism, it will be seen as a spectrum of ideas and movements, from the confrontational and violent to the politically participatory. With this in mind, the presentation seeks to answer two questions: (1) what are current Islamist views of the state and international relations? (2) is the political impact of Islamist movements within states more important than their transnational or international dimensions?--
  • Auditorio Alfonso Reyes de El Colegio de México. 19 de mayo de 2011, 16:00-17:15 hrs.
  • Conferencia presentada en el Coloquio Religión y Relaciones Internacionales
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Coleción Temática

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