Globalization, religion and culture : conferencia magistral

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  • 990006176880302716
  • 1.71
  • Conferencia presentada en el Coloquio Religión y Relaciones Internacionales
  • Auditorio Alfonso Reyes de El Colegio de México. 19 de mayo de 2011, 12:15-14:15 hrs.
  • A constant of 19th and 20th century secularization theory has been the question of whether “modernization” implies a decline in religion or a change in the form of religion. The recent rejection of secularization theory within sociology, among other disciplines, is best understood as only a rejection of the former, the “religious decline” version of secularization, leaving the “change of form” version mostly intact. Hence, recent theses about a crisis of secularism, religious resurgence, or de-secularization, are best understood as different approaches to this question of changing form that is, the de-institutionalization of older forms and the re-institutionalization in other forms. Globalization, as a totalizing successor concept to modernization, describes some of the main conditions for the initial institutionalization of ‘religion’ as an object for secularization theory, but then also the reconsideration of that theory in the ways described. In consequence, the current debates are both old and new, observe new developments happening at the same time as they repeat old debates in somewhat altered form--
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Coleción Temática

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